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56 results
Working Successfully With Learning Disabled Students

Learn how to successfully meet the diverse needs of students with learning disabilities in your classroom.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Empowering Students With Disabilities

Explore common disabilities you'll encounter in the classroom and master techniques for promoting academic, behavioral, and social skills in students with special needs.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Teaching Students With ADHD

Learn practical strategies for helping children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) succeed in school.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for Success

Help your students with high-functioning autism and Asperger's Syndrome unlock their potential in the classroom.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Teaching Writing: Grades K-3

Learn how to nurture student writers in the early elementary classroom.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities (Self-Guided)
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities (Self-Guided)

Learn how to successfully meet the diverse needs of students with learning disabilities in your classroom.

Self-Guided24 Course Hrs3 Months
Teaching Adult Learners

This course will introduce numerous ways to motivate and teach adult students. You'll learn dozens of powerful teaching techniques that will keep your adult learners excited and help them absorb your material effortlessly. By the end of the course, you'll know all the tricks and techniques for winning over this fun, exciting, and very demanding group of students.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention Connection

Learn how to combine two powerful educational approaches—Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention—so you can enable every student in your classroom to succeed.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Counseling for College Prep

Counseling for College Prep is an insightful course for high school counselors and professionals looking for ways to help students of all backgrounds graduate. It goes beyond graduation to post-secondary planning and tools and resources to support student success.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Designing IEP Goals

This brief course offers guidance in both understanding and designing effective IEP (Individualized Education Plan) goals for your students with special needs. The course covers key components of effective IEP goals and provides insights into implementing these ideas in your classroom.

Self-Guided1 Course Hrs3 Months