Learn how to develop an Internet marketing plan, use popular social media platforms, and achieve higher positions with major search engines.
Explore the potential of social media as a tool for business growth, covering popular platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Business Profile, Twitter, and Pinterest. Learn effective strategies for promoting your business, building a social media team, automating activities, and measuring success.
Discover small business marketing strategies that can help you attract attention, woo your target audience, grow your customer base, and expand your profits—all for little or no money.
Reach your business goals with the strategies needed for success. In this course, you will develop a digital marketing plan for your business that incorporates SEO, SEM, advertising, email, social media, and more.
Learn how to create your very own blog and podcast using the tools that you already have available on your computer.
Learn the skills you need to obtain a lucrative career in sales. This group of online sales classes will teach you everything from communication to closing the deal.
Write great marketing copy to improve your company's image and your chances of getting hired or promoted.
Learn proven, step-by-step strategies to achieve higher positions with major search engines.
Learn the secret to converting a potential customer into a long-term asset. Find out how to lay the groundwork for repeat business and your future success.