CSC-ITC8425 - Introduction to SQL

CSC-ITC8425 - Introduction to SQL

Gain a solid working knowledge of the most powerful and widely used database programming language. This course will provide you the skills to write SQL queries to create tables, retrieve data from single or multiple tables, manipulate data in a database, and gather statistics from data stored in a database.

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs
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Learn the key concepts of SQL (Structured Query Language) the powerful and standard database management query language for relational databases.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is one of the best programming languages for beginning web developers to learn. This course will teach you the basics of designing and writing SQL queries to execute on a practice database. Using a SQL Server Express, you'll learn several real-world applications for SQL so you can put this valuable skill set on your resume.


In this introductory lesson, you will examine database terms and concepts. Understanding the purpose of a database is foundational to writing efficient SQL queries that retrieve the right data.

In this lesson, you will install SQL Server Express and the SQL Server Management Studio to use throughout the course in your learn-by-doing practices. You will use SQL code to create one of the tables for the practice database in SQL Server.

SQL queries are the statements used to retrieve data from the database. Queries are written in a specific, logical order. In this lesson, you will explore various ways to write SQL queries to retrieve data that meet defined criteria.

SQL queries are defined and written to retrieve data in a certain order. Queries are also written to limit columns and to filter data rows. In this lesson, you will practice writing queries that meet defined criteria and retrieve the expected result-sets.

This lesson is about designing SQL data tables for a database. You will explore the relationship concept and how it is used in an RDBMS. You will define tables that are structured according to RDBMS standards. You will also create the tables to add to your practice database.

In this lesson, you will add data to your newly defined tables. You will explore several methods of adding data to a table and practice writing and executing these query statements. After adding several individual rows to the tables, you will use a SQL query to populate your tables with enough data rows to use in the learn-by-doing practices in this course.

SQL JOIN statements are used to retrieve data from more than one table. In this lesson, you will practice writing JOIN statements that retrieve data from tables that have a relationship between their PKs and FKs.

In this lesson, you will continue writing JOIN statements that retrieve data result-sets from more than one table. You will also examine how and when to use SQL subquery statements to retrieve data from multiple tables. You will practice defining and writing JOIN and subquery queries.

The quality of the data in the database depends on its integrity, including the concepts of data accuracy and consistency. In this lesson, you will explore writing queries to maintain the database so that it is up to date with data that is accurate, consistent, and has integrity.

In this lesson, you will examine the concept of aggregate functions and how they are used in query statements to examine multiple rows. Aggregate functions are a method of retrieving summarized data that is useful for analysis.

SQL views are an important concept in database design and in using databases. In this lesson, you will explore designing and writing queries to create views. You will also explore the reason they are valuable for database security and database access.

Constraints are one way to maximize the integrity of the database and minimize the opportunity for user error. Indexes are used for increasing the performance of a data query. In this lesson, you will explore both these concepts.



There are no prerequisites to take this course.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course must be taken on a PC. Macs are not compatible.
  • Dual monitors are helpful but are not required.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 8 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins. Student will install the required software in the course.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.
  • Necessary rights (local administrative rights) to install programs on the computer.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.

  • SQL Server Express
  • SQL Server Management Studio


Mava Wilson

Mava Wilson, Ph.D., is a professor with more than 28 years of teaching experience. While she specializes in Information Systems (IS), she has taught several computer science topics, including basic computer literacy, programming, database design, and SQL. She holds a Ph.D. and master's degree in computing technology from Nova Southeastern University, as well as a bachelor's in administrative systems from Radford University.

Instructor Interaction: The instructor looks forward to interacting with learners in the online moderated discussion area to share their expertise and answer any questions you may have on the course content.


Great course. I will definitely be taking the follow-up course by this instructor.

Thank you for a very detailed, and well delivered course! Has been a great experience for me and will be extremely beneficial for my career.

I thought the class was well organized and easy to understand how to setup the software and migrate through each lesson. I would recommend this class to others.

Great course, each topic was broken down in easy to digest pieces that were easy to follow and understand especially for someone who's never used/studied SQL before.

This course was fantastic! The pace, content, and learning checks were very convenient to follow along. I genuinely feel I have a much better understanding of SQL from this course. I've attempted Udemy and LinkedIn SQL video courses before but they just didn't click with me. This was by far the best SQL learning experience I've had. I appreciate all the thought that went into putting this course together! I am definitely considering taking future courses.

Excellent / From beginning to end. Very detailed and hands on. I'd highly recommend this to the newcomer/novice who is interested in learning SQL.

Thank you for your constant encouragement and support. I am so glad you were there all along to be with me! I enjoyed studying and working along with you Professor Mava Wilson

SQL Beginner class was a great intro to SQL. I had been trying to learn SQL through other channels, but this class helped put it all into practice. This class truly helped me apply the skillset. Thank you.

Had no trouble following the examples and tasks in this lesson, appreciate all the checkpoints. Already a huge leg up on previous SQL courses I've attempted

It was a great class! It not only gave me the knowledge of SQL, but it also improved my abilities in other applications such as MS Access and MS Excel. The instructor presented the subject matter in a perfect balance of technical and practical. It was evident to me she has educational and in-the-field expert experience. She is also personable and helpful.

The course gave me a 'challenging' introduction to SQL. It introduced two types of databases that I had not previously used:Microsoft Access and SQL Query 7. The examples and assignments reinforced what had been taught in previous lessons. Thank you. I not only learned a great deal but had a good time.

Very nice introduction to SQL. This helped me gain a better basic understanding of things I'd been tampering with for several years. I could probably have saved myself many frustrating hours having taken a course like this a couple years back.

Instructor-Moderated Course Code: sql