If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this series of courses is perfect for you. You will learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, while also learning how to analyze and record financial transactions, as well as prepare various financial reports at the end of the fiscal period.
Learn shortcuts to help you engage in conversational Spanish, as you build your language skills and develop fluency.
Learn to use QuickBooks Online to record income and expenses; enter checks and credit card payments; track your payables, inventory, and receivables; and much more.
With the Speed Spanish course, you will immediately start creating sentences and conversations in Spanish. Each lesson will introduce new techniques to increase your fluency quickly and allow you to start speaking Spanish right away.
The TEAS Prep Series will prepare you to sit for the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam. TEAS Prep 1 focuses on the Reading and English and Language Usage portions. TEAS Prep 2 focuses on the Mathematics and Science portion of the exam.
Knowing how to create a spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel is key to effectively managing and organizing information. This online, self-paced course will introduce you to Microsoft Excel 2019 and teach you basic Excel skills.
Learn everything you need to know to start writing grant proposals and consult or volunteer for non-profit, public foundations.
Learn all there is to know about writing grants, fundraising, and organizing a grant writing campaign. This group of online classes is ideal for those wanting to learn more about managing fundraising and grant writing fundamentals.
This suite of courses will teach you the fundamentals of accounting with QuickBooks Online. You'll learn the essentials of double-entry bookkeeping and managing the financial aspects of your small business quickly and efficiently using QuickBooks.
Learn medical Spanish quickly and easily, honing your basic conversational skills and mastering key healthcare words and phrases.