Speaking, Spelling, and Counting in Spanish
¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome!) In the first lesson, you'll master the building blocks of Spanish. First, you'll discover how easy it is to spell and pronounce words en español. After that, you'll learn how to count from 0 to 19.
Family, Pronouns, and Easy Conversational Phrases
La familia is central to Latin American life, and knowing "who's who" can be a big help when you're talking with witnesses, crime victims, or suspects. In this lesson, you'll learn the Spanish words for family members, and pick up some easy conversational phrases you can use every day on the job. In addition, the lesson will talk about pronouns and explore the role of gender in Spanish.
Colors, Directional Words, and Numbers From 20 to 199
What color was the suspect's car? Which way did he go? How fast was he driving? After this lesson, you'll be able to answer all these questions easily en español. The lesson will start by talking about the Spanish words for colors and then move on to directional words (with some prepositions thrown in as a bonus). After that, you'll learn how to count all the way to 199.
Easy Verbs
Law enforcement professionals are always on the go—so you'll want lots of action words in your Spanish vocabulary. To help you use Spanish verbs easily, this lesson will introduce you to a simple conjugation system that uses only three tenses (present, easy past, and easy future). In addition, you'll look at two interesting verbs that mean "to be:" ser and estar.
Vocabulary for Describing People, Objects, and Feelings
Asking questions is a big part of your job, and in this lesson, you'll find out how to query your witnesses or suspects en español. After that, you'll look at powerful words for describing objects, people, and feelings. Finally, you'll master the very important little word hay—something you'll definitely want to add to your repertoire.
Words for Describing People's Appearance, Clothes, and the Weather
In this lesson, you'll add more high-octane words to your vocabulary for talking about people. You'll learn how to describe their ages, their hair colors, their ethnicity, their legal status, and even what they're wearing. In addition, the lesson will talk about the weather en español. It will also introduce you to four handy little words—este, esta, ese, and esa—that will help you stretch out your sentences.
Time, the Calendar, and Body Parts
It's time to talk about . . . time! In this lesson, you'll discover how to talk about the hours of the day, the days of the week, and the months of the year in Spanish. As a bonus, you'll learn how to identify the major parts of the body and obtain answers in emergencies by asking questions like "Where does it hurt?," "Are you ill?," and "What happened?"
Talking About Places and Things
Whether you're taking dispatch calls or walking a beat, you need to be familiar with your neighborhood—so in this lesson, you'll tour the buildings and places in a typical town. In addition, you'll explore a house inside and out and take a look at the objects you're likely to find there. The lesson will also talk a little about weights and measures, including the metric measures many Spanish speakers use.
Legal and Illegal Professions
This lesson's topic is professions—both legal and illegal. You'll start by looking at Spanish words for emergency responders and law enforcement professionals. After that, you'll meet some additional professionals and learn their names en español. Next, you'll investigate words for criminals and check out the weapons they're likely to use. Just for fun, the lesson will also talk a bit about Spanish first and last names—which can be pretty confusing when you're trying to file paperwork.
Describing Vehicles and Traffic Violations
Speeders, drunk drivers, red-light runners—you'll meet all of them in this lesson. You'll begin with a quick look at words for describing drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. After that, you'll discover lots of phrases to describe specific traffic violations. You'll also explore the names for different types of vehicles and learn one word you won't want to use to describe people who break the rules of the road.
Dealing With Criminal Suspects
At a crime scene, you often need to talk firmly to suspects and witnesses. In this lesson, you'll learn lots of useful commands for getting people to do what you want—from polite commands like "sit down" to forceful ones like "Up against the wall!" In addition, you'll find out how to describe your actions when you're giving a citation, arresting a suspect, or administering a drug or alcohol test. Finally, you'll practice saying that all-important Miranda warning in Spanish.
More Words for Handling Emergency and Nonemergency Situations
In your job, you're likely to encounter all sorts of medical crises—from heart attacks to gunshot wounds and broken bones. In this lesson, you'll learn Spanish words that can help you deal with common medical conditions like these. The lesson will also touch on the topic of direct object pronouns, and you'll add to your repertoire of commands for emergency and non-emergency situations.