Child Development Courses in Lakeland, FL

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Child Development Courses in Lakeland, FL

Launch or Expand Your Career in Child Development

Whether you’ve decided to level up in your career, or you’re trying to learn child development for the first time, ed2go is here to help you reach your professional goals. We offer many child development courses and classes in Lakeland, FL and partner with colleges and universities from all over the state to make your learning experience as easy as possible. Looking to prepare for a certification online? Not to worry, there’s plenty of online child development classes in Lakeland available.

Our courses are perfect for advancing your child development skills. Students who complete these programs will be well-prepared to begin or advance their careers. Some of our most popular child development courses in Lakeland include:

  • Solving Classroom Discipline Problems
  • Child Development Associate Training
  • Teaching Students With ADHD

A better future with more opportunities is just around the corner, so don’t wait a second longer. We value your time, so our courses are flexible and available online. With ed2go, you’ll gain new skills and credentials wherever and whenever you can — without putting a pause on your job or family. Enroll with ed2go today and take child development courses near you in Lakeland.

Top Schools in Lakeland

Teacher's Aide with ParaPro Prep

Train to become a paraprofessional educator. This course will prepare you for the ETS ParaPro Assessment, a Praxis exam needed to work as a teacher's aide.

6 Months / 130 Course Hrs
Currently Enrolling
Available from these Lakeland Colleges

Polk State College

Number of Students 343
Courses offered 392
$1,695.00 Learn More

Child Development Professional (Voucher Included)

Learn the principles of child growth and development from birth through age five and how they align with the eight Child Development Associate® (CDA) competencies and National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) professional standards. The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Associate Certification Training course will prepare you to take the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

12 Months / 365 Course Hrs
Currently Enrolling
Available from these Lakeland Colleges

Polk State College

Number of Students 343
Courses offered 392
$2,995.00 Learn More

Asociado de Desarrollo Infantil para Estudiantes de Inglés (Español)

En este curso en línea, mejorarás tus conocimientos de inglés y aprenderás valiosas habilidades profesionales en la carrera de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA, por sus siglas en inglés).

6 Months / 160 Course Hrs
Currently Enrolling
Available from these Lakeland Colleges

Polk State College

Number of Students 343
Courses offered 392
$1,295.00 Learn More

Asociado de Desarrollo Infantil – Base central (De Español a Inglés)

Durante este curso, mejorarás tu inglés y aprenderás valiosas habilidades profesionales en la carrera de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil. Aprende los principios del desarrollo infantil desde el nacimiento hasta los cinco años y su relación con las ocho competencias del CDA, así como los estándares profesionales de la Asociación Nacional para la Educación de Niños Pequeños.

12 Months / 280 Course Hrs
Currently Enrolling
Available from these Lakeland Colleges

Polk State College

Number of Students 343
Courses offered 392
$2,495.00 Learn More

Child Development Associate – Center-Based (Voucher Included)

Learn the principles of child growth and development from birth through age five and how they align with the eight Child Development Associate® (CDA) competencies and National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) professional standards.

6 Months / 120 Course Hrs
Currently Enrolling
Available from these Lakeland Colleges

Polk State College

Number of Students 343
Courses offered 392
$1,695.00 Learn More

Popular Course Topics in Lakeland