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97 results
Advanced Grant Proposal Writing - ETG544
Advanced Grant Proposal Writing - ETG544

Gain a full understanding of the criteria funders use to determine whether your grant proposal gets funded or rejected.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Building Teams That Work - ETG700

What are the secrets to managing successful teams in the workplace? Explore communication techniques and problem-solving skills that will help you get your team on track in no time.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
C# Programming for the Absolute Beginner - ETG669

Learn the fundamentals of computer programming with the new C# programming language.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Achieving Success with Difficult People - ETG592

Learn how to have more successful relationships with difficult bosses, co-workers, students, neighbors, or relatives.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems- EDG 750

Veteran teacher reveals the secrets to an orderly classroom. A step-by-step approach to effective, positive discipline.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
A to Z Grantwriting - ETG555

This course provides students with the hands-on experience and knowledge they need to successfully begin writing grant proposals, including real-world scenarios, and the opportunity to improve their work by reviewing previous grant proposals completed by peers.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Speed Spanish II - ETG644

This online Spanish course is unlike any other Spanish class you have ever taken. You will see words, hear them pronounced properly, and have plenty of opportunities to practice and build fluency.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Professional Sales Skills - ETG536

Discover how to begin a successful and rewarding career in sales.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
Individual Excellence - ETG889

Master twelve career-enhancing skills including goal setting, time management, personal organization, and creativity.

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks
GRE Test Preparation - Course 1 - ETG551

Discover powerful strategies for success in the verbal reasoning and analytical writing sections of the GRE® revised General Test (course 1 of 2).

Instructor-Moderated24 Course Hrs6 Weeks