Nonprofit Management and Grant Writing Suite

Nonprofit Management and Grant Writing Suite

Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of America's fastest growing service sectors. Further the ideals and goals of your nonprofit by learning to compete more effectively for members, media attention, donors, clients, and volunteers. Learn to prepare grant proposals that get solid results for your favorite organization or charity.

96 Course Hrs
  • Details
  • Syllabus
  • Requirements
  • Instructor

96 Course Hrs
Study online with Instructor moderated discussion boards.
Select a start date for each course below:


Introduction to Nonprofit Management

Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of America's fastest growing service sectors. In this course, a twelve-year veteran in the nonprofit management field will show you how to transform your good intentions into a professional plan of action. You'll understand the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations while mastering the core knowledge necessary to become an effective leader in the nonprofit arena.

In this course, you will learn skills and develop strategies that will take your organization to new heights of prosperity and productivity. You'll gain a full understanding the role of the executive director and the board of directors, special event and meeting management, public relation strategies, and how to find a position in this fascinating and rewarding field of work.

Marketing Your Nonprofit

Under pressure to increase membership, expand program value, attract media, entice donors, and develop volunteers, all while keeping an eye on the bottom line? In the face of stiff competition, more worthwhile causes, more regulations, more watchdog agencies, and fewer funding opportunities, you need to work smarter, not harder.

This course will show you how to use powerful marketing techniques to compete more effectively for customers, donors, members, and volunteers. You'll also learn how to persuade the media to communicate your organization's message and further its ideals and goals. Before you know it, you'll be ready to improve your market share by learning to evaluate and implement effective promotions, advertising campaigns, and communication techniques. If your organization relies on a diverse mix of fees, events, and/or contributions for support, you're sure to find this information-packed course indispensable.

Writing Effective Grant Proposals

Preparing successful grant proposals to receive funding from corporations or foundations requires careful research, meticulous preparation, and graceful writing. Grant administrators tell us that many grant requestors have no real understanding of the proposal writing process and as a result, their worthy causes lose out. If you learn how to avoid the errors that lead to the rejection of your proposal, you will be better prepared to help the causes you most admire. This course will walk you through all of the essential steps, including an important discussion of what you must do when the grant arrives!

In this course, you'll learn how to become fully familiar with the institution or project for which you are requesting support. You'll get valuable guidance in preparing a background statement and a brief financial statement to support your request. You'll also research some charitable foundation and corporate giving sources. Then, you'll learn how to put everything together so that you can assemble, write, and submit complete grant proposals to foundations, corporations, and wealthy individuals for any number of your pet projects.

Advanced Grant Proposal Writing

Do you know the best way to present information in a grant proposal? In this course, an experienced grantwriter will show you how to research and write winning proposals that get funded. You'll become proficient in the proposal format used by the vast majority of public foundations. Learn what to do--and, more importantly what not to do--on your cover sheet, narrative, background page, and your stakeholder and third-party evaluation plan.

You'll also discover the quickest and most efficient ways to gather the information you'll need to develop your proposal's attachments, including information on your organization's structure, administration, and finances.

And you'll gain a full understanding of the criteria funders use to determine whether your grant proposal gets funded or rejected. You'll become expert at ferreting out corporate, foundation, and government grantmakers, and you'll know how to tailor your responses to information found in the peer review criteria.

Before the course is over, you will have discovered a number of significant finishing touches that can give your project the edge over others. You'll know the best type of paper to use, which buzzwords to include, which fonts work best, which types of graphics to include, and a variety of formatting techniques that will make your proposal more competitive. You'll also learn about the importance of obtaining community and political support before submitting a proposal to any government agency.

Suite bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Suite bundles.


  1. Introduction to Nonprofit Management
    1. What Is a Nonprofit?
    2. Planning Documents
    3. Structure and Leadership
    4. Staffing and the Role of the Executive Director
    5. The Board of Directors
    6. Volunteers and Committees
    7. Managing and Organizing Meetings
    8. Membership, Benefits and Services
    9. Financial Aspects
    10. Special Event Management
    11. Delivering Your Message
    12. Finding Your Place in the Nonprofit Sector
  2. Marketing Your Nonprofit
    1. Nonprofit Marketing Defined
    2. Setting Goals
    3. Positioning Your Nonprofit
    4. Market Readiness
    5. Marketing Strategies
    6. Advertising and Promotion
    7. Advertising and Marketing on the Internet
    8. Marketing and Volunteers
    9. Publicity, Media, and Public Relations
    10. Developing Your Own Market Plan
    11. Developing a Promotion Plan
    12. Evaluating Your Marketing Efforts
  3. Writing Effective Grant Proposals
    1. The Writing Style You Will Need for Your Grant Proposal
    2. Thinking About Your Institution the Way Grantors Do
    3. Information You Will Need for Your Grant Proposal
    4. Special Characteristics of Non-Profit Organizations
    5. Finding Funding Sources—Foundations
    6. Finding Out About Your Foundation Prospects
    7. Finding Out About Your Corporate Prospects
    8. Doing the Numbers
    9. Assembling Your Proposal
    10. So You Don't Get a Gift—What Now?
    11. So You Get a Gift—What Now?
    12. Some Thoughts About Writing Grant Proposals to Individuals
  4. Advanced Grant Proposal Writing
    1. Types of Proposal Formats
    2. Match Funders With Projects
    3. Write the History and Major Accomplishments Sections
    4. Write the Current Programs and Activities Section
    5. Write the Target Population Served Section
    6. Write the Partnerships Section
    7. Write the Needs Statement Section
    8. Write the Program Design Section
    9. Write the Management Plan Section
    10. Write the Evaluation Section
    11. Develop the Budget Section
    12. Apply Finishing Touches and Conduct Follow-Up Tasks



There are no prerequisites to take this course.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 8 or later.
  • Mac: macOS 10.6 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.


Linda Kissam

Linda Kissam is an eighteen-year veteran in the nonprofit management field. She has managed both 501 (c)(3) and 501 (c)(6) organizations and currently owns her own consulting company. She has taught both in the public and private sectors. A seasoned wine and hospitality industry veteran, Linda consults with local wineries on media attraction and food and wine events. She conducts both private and group strategic planning workshops for nonprofit and for-profit corporations. She currently serves as the executive director of a visitors bureau for an art town in California. She writes a weekly wine article and a bimonthly tourist destination column. She is a highly regarded facilitator for strategic planning workshops, marketing seminars, and event planning.

Nancy Robinette

Nancy Robinette has more than twenty years' experience researching and writing successful grant proposals and raising funds in corporate development, arts, and education for the John F. Kennedy Center, Chincoteague Island Arts Organization, and the Black Heritage Museum among others. She is also a respected instructor at George Mason University and a recipient of the Fox Fellowship research grant.

Dr. Beverly A. Browning

Dr. Beverly A. Browning is a grant writing consultant and visionary who leverages her thought leadership experience to help nonprofit organizations overcome their struggles with revenue stream imbalances. Beverly has researched grant funding, grantmaking trends, and board-related barriers to nonprofit capacity building for over 40 years. She is also the founder and director of the Grant Writing Training Foundation and Bev Browning, LLC, and to date has helped her clients win over $500 million in grant awards and contracts. Beverly is the author of 42 grant-related publications, including six editions of Grant Writing for Dummies. She has taught for ed2go for 20 years.

Instructor Interaction: The instructor looks forward to interacting with learners in the online moderated discussion area to share their expertise and answer any questions you may have on the course content.

Instructor-Moderated Course Code: B9006