Advanced Python

Advanced Python

This Advanced Python training course picks up where our Introduction to Python course leaves off. This course is for students who have taken the introductory course and are ready to leverage their previous experience to learn more or have some experience programming with Python and are ready to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.

3 Months Access / 28 Course Hrs
  • Details
  • Syllabus
  • Requirements


What you will learn

  • Lambda functions
  • Advanced list comprehensions
  • The collections module
  • Mapping and filtering
  • Sorting sequences

How you will benefit

  • Obtain the experience needed to take your Python programming skills to an advanced level
  • Boost your résumé
  • Open the door to new freelance and employment opportunities at companies nationwide


  1. Advanced Python Concepts
    1. Lambda Functions
    2. Advanced List Comprehensions
    3. Exercise: Rolling Five Dice
    4. Collections Module
    5. Exercise: Creating a defaultdict
    6. Counters
    7. Exercise: Creating a Counter
    8. Mapping and Filtering
    9. Mutable and Immutable Built-in Objects
    10. Sorting
    11. Exercise: Converting list.sort() to sorted(iterable)
    12. Sorting Sequences of Sequences
    13. Creating a Dictionary from Two Sequences
    14. Unpacking Sequences in Function Calls
    15. Exercise: Converting a String to a Object
    16. Modules and Packages
  2. Regular Expressions
    1. Regular Expression Tester
    2. Regular Expression Syntax
    3. Python's Handling of Regular Expressions
    4. Exercise: Green Glass Door
  3. Working with Data
    1. Virtual Environment
    2. Relational Databases
    3. Passing Parameters
    4. SQLite
    5. Exercise: Querying a SQLite Database
    6. SQLite Database in Memory
    7. Exercise: Inserting File Data into a Database
    8. Drivers for Other Databases
    9. CSV
    10. Exercise: Finding Data in a CSV File
    11. Creating a New CSV File
    12. Exercise: Creating a CSV with DictWriter
    13. Getting Data from the Web
    14. Exercise: HTML Scraping
    15. XML
    16. JSON
    17. Exercise: JSON Home Runs
  4. Testing and Debugging
    1. Testing for Performance
    2. Exercise: Comparing Times to Execute
    3. The unittest Module
    4. Exercise: Fixing Functions
    5. Special unittest.TestCase Methods
  5. Classes and Objects
    1. Attributes
    2. Behaviors
    3. Classes vs. Objects
    4. Attributes and Methods
    5. Exercise: Adding a roll() Method to Die
    6. Private Attributes
    7. Properties
    8. Exercise: Properties
    9. Objects that Track their Own History
    10. Documenting Classes
    11. Exercise: Documenting the Die Class
    12. Inheritance
    13. Exercise: Extending the Die Class
    14. Extending a Class Method
    15. Exercise: Extending the roll() Method
    16. Static Methods
    17. Class Attributes and Methods
    18. Abstract Classes and Methods
    19. Understanding Decorators



Prior to enrolling in this course, you must have an introductory level of Python programming experience.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 10 or later.
  • Mac: macOS 11.0 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
  • Python (Installation instructions provided)
  • Visual Studio Code (Installation instructions provided) is recommended. However, you may use a different editor if you prefer.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.

Self-Guided Course Code: T14278