Creating Web Pages

Creating Web Pages

Learn the basics of HTML as you design, create, and post your very own website. This course will help you plan the content, structure, and layout of your website, create neatly formatted text, build links, and add color, graphics, and tables, as well as understand no-cost web marketing strategies and SEO.

6 Weeks Access / 24 Course Hrs
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Create and post your very own website using HTML. You will learn the best strategies for planning the content, structure, and layout of your website as well as creating pages with neatly formatted text, building links between the pages, and more! This course will also cover search engine optimization and powerful no-cost or low-cost web marketing strategies.


Get started by learning where the web is and how it works. In this lesson, you will learn some important concepts and terminology, and hopefully clear up some buzzwords you may have heard but not quite understood. Then, get started creating your first website.

In this lesson, you'll create your first web page. You'll learn how to add tags and content to your page, view your page in a browser, reopen it in an editor to make additions and changes, save those changes, and then view the updated page in a web browser. These skills will apply to every web page you ever create, and they'll get you started on creating any page you can imagine.

In this lesson, you'll learn to beef up your pages with the design elements that you see on most websites. First, you will learn how to add headings, paragraphs, numbered lists, and bulleted lists to your pages, and the secrets to adding special characters like © and &trade. Finally, you'll discover how to add links to other peoples' pages and to other pages within your own site.

Here's your chance to add some visual excitement to your website! This lesson covers the basics about adding pictures to your web pages. You'll discover how to download pictures right off the web, and you'll also learn how to prepare and use your own pictures from a digital camera.

Tables are a terrific way to neatly organize content into rows and columns. You've no doubt seen tables used in other websites and countless other forms of publication. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use HTML to create tables in your own web pages!

If you've been involved in web development at all during the last 20 years, you may have heard about HTML, XHTML, HTML5, and CSS. If you're new to all of this, it's a confusing mess of alphabet soup. In this lesson, you'll learn the who, how, what, when, where, and why of these technologies—and what you should use now so your website is in sync with current specs and future trends.

Virtually all modern websites use CSS style rules for all their website styling. In this lesson, you'll learn what a style rule is, and you'll get some hands-on practice creating your own style rules. You'll learn how to center and align pictures and text and discover the secrets to jazzing up your site with colors (and how to choose from the millions of color options available to you).

This lesson will introduce you to more advanced HTML and CSS topics, including how to create a page layout with a navigation bar. You will learn how to create a page layout using div tags, how to style your page divisions, and some style rules.

Most websites consist of multiple pages with some common content on each page. This lesson will teach you to use a layout page as a template so you can build multipage websites more quickly. You'll learn how to start with liquid layouts, how to design a layout from scratch, and how to use your layout to easily build additional pages. This will help you to develop more professional-looking pages using the same modern coding techniques that seasoned professionals use!

Getting a site on the Internet is one thing. Getting people to notice it is quite another. In this lesson, you'll learn about Internet directory services, search engines, web-crawling infobots (not as creepy as they sound), and things you can do to make your own site stand out in the crowd!

In this lesson, you'll learn how to publish your website for the whole world to see. Best of all, you'll learn how to keep your site on the Internet forever!

In this lesson, you'll learn about authoring systems like Dreamweaver and Expression Web, and how they can make web development quicker and easier. You'll also learn a couple of ways to get an online presence without creating your own website!



There are no prerequisites to take this course.


Hardware Requirements:

  • This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac.

Software Requirements:

  • PC: Windows 8 or later.
  • Mac: macOS 10.6 or later.
  • Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.


  • Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.

Instructional Material Requirements:

The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.


Alan Simpson

Alan Simpson is an award-winning author with over 100 published books on computers, technology, and the internet, translated into more than a dozen languages. With extensive experience across nearly every aspect of the computer industry—including web development, operating systems, programming, networking, and security—he is widely regarded as a leading expert in the field.

Alan's journey in tech began in the 1980s as an author, teacher, consultant, and software developer. His work in app development and web design sparked a deep interest in cybersecurity. This passion led him to pursue formal studies, and in 2007, he earned his Security+ certification from CompTIA, demonstrating his broad knowledge of the computer security field. The insights he shares in his courses reflect his years of experience and his commitment to building safe, secure applications and websites.


I have learned a lot from this class, since starting with little to no experience. Thank you, Alan, so much for your delivery and expertise in presenting the materials. They were very detailed with great images. It made the class easy to follow and do the assignments.

Thank you for your teaching style. You are an excellent instructor. I thoroughly enjoyed this lesson.

Thank you so much for your patience and the excellent way you teach online. You are one of the best instructors I ever seen. You did an awesome job!

You explain everything - clear and simple. Even though what I am doing is so basic and simple, I feel so proud that I am capable of doing something I only thought computer geniuses could do. Thanks for this great course and helping me believe in myself again. I can't wait to learn more!

What is particularly exciting to me, is that as I add tag and text, it updates in real time as soon as I save the notepad file and refresh the browser! It is so handy to be able to test new concepts as we learn them - instant gratification! I have read pages on the web for years, wondering how the authors accomplished various bells and whistles. The mystery is gradually being revealed through this class. I could not be more pleased and excited!

Great course, Mr. Simpson! Many courses that claim to be introduction courses end up being anything but that. You designed this course to truly make a person who knew nothing about html understand the big picture of how websites work (on the internet) and how to work with html. I plan on taking your next course in html and hope that I can keep up there too!

Thank you so very much, Alan Simpson, for an approachable, informative, enjoyable course! I was totally new to this, and somewhat fearful, but you made it a pleasant experience, and I've learned a lot. I had put off taking a course for years, and personal circumstances almost led me to dropping this one. I'm so glad I didn't!

The best online class ever and this was my first! Alan, you are absolutely a great online instructor. For each lesson, it felt as if the teacher was standing in front of me...I humbled myself and reread, took breaks and came back to the lessons and "wammo" I could do it. I plan to take another course and hope I get you as my instructor. I am truly looking forward to publishing my own web site. Thank you so much!

This course is an extremely valuable tool in learning the basics of web pages. As an instructor you do a wonderful job in making it easy to understand and you have answered all questions in detail.

I was scared to death I couldn't follow your instructions, since I've been out of college a hundred years and we didn't even have computers then, but your instructions were so clear and concise that even I had no problem following them. This was a very positive experience for me and I would recommend this course to anyone.

Self-Guided Course Code: T9214
Instructor-Moderated Course Code: web