Brunswick Community College

Learn new personal and professional skills online in Bolivia, NC!

Welcome to our Online Instruction Center

Brunswick Community College offers a wide range of quality Internet-based courses taught by expert instructors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you.  Courses begin on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  Registration and payment are required at least 3 days before class starts

How to register for Ed2Go courses:

  1. Click the Courses link at the top of this page.
  2. Select the desired course, then click Enroll Now.  Note: The Online Enrollment Process does not complete your registration.
  3. Once you have enrolled in your selected class, check your email for further instructions on how to submit your registration and payment.  If you have an outstanding balance with Brunswick Community College, you will be unable to register for any BCC course until the issue is resolved.


BCC will refund 100% to the student with an official withdrawal from the class prior to the start date.  No refunds will be issued after the start date of the class.

Ready to explore our catalog? Browse our catalog or check out our PopularNew, and Featured Courses.

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