Community College of Baltimore County

Welcome to the Community College of Baltimore County’s Ed2Go Online Classroom Center!

Follow these steps to set up your Ed2Go classroom and register with CCBC.

Step 1: Search for your Course

Step 2: In the Search Results screen, click on your course title

  •  Each course description includes a syllabus, instructor bio, requirements, and student reviews.

 Step 3: Set up Your Ed2Go Classroom

  • Select the start datee.
  • Click Enroll now.
  • Click on Begin Checkout.
  • Log in with your email/password
  •  Click Complete Enrollment. 

 If you need to pay CCBC, continue to Step 4 below.

Step 4: Register and Pay with CCBC

Payment should be made prior to the start of class.  Online Registration is available prior to the start date of the course.  To make payment after the class has started, please call the CCBC Continuing Education Information Center at 443-840-4700.

  1. Click the Registration link below (QuickReg).
  2. Under Continuing Education Courses, in the Search: box on the right, enter a CRN, Course Number, or keyword; and the results will automatically be displayed.
  3. Click the Select button next to the class.
  4. Click the Register for Selected Courses button located at the top of the screen.
  5. If you have not already logged in to CCBC, you will be redirected to the Login page. If you have taken classes with CCBC before, log in using your current credentials. If you are a new student create a new student account. (**Note: your CCBC and your Ed2Go classroom ID’s are not the same).
  6. Follow the screen prompts to continue to register and pay for your class.

Registration Link:   QuickReg

If you have questions, contact the Continuing Education Information Center at 443-840-4700.

 Step 4: Start your course

  • Login to Ed2Go on the start date of your course. A new lesson will be available each Wednesday and Friday for six weeks.
  • Click on the Help tab if you need technical support.

Thank you and enjoy your course!

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