Green Country Technology Center

So Many Educational Opportunities - Completely Online!

Green Country Technology Center offers a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you.

Ready to explore our catalog? Click the Courses link at the top of this page.

Current students: Your course instructor is ready to answer your questions about lessons, quizzes, assignments, and other course materials. Course discussions are a great place to start! You may also visit the GCTC Ed2Go Help Page if you have questions about accessing the online classroom, retrieving lessons, changing a password, updating your email address, obtaining progress reports or completion letter, receiving an extension, or any other administrative task.

New or potential students: You can learn more about the course that interests you by clicking on the course title.

If you require assistance with registration, please contact Green Country Technology Center's Workforce & Economic Development Coordinator:

Amie Underwood

Phone: 918-295-4645


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