The South Seattle College Continuing Education Department offers a wide range of highly interactive courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you. Ready to explore our catalog? Click the Courses link at the top of this page. Our Continuing Education staff is happy to help you figure out what might work for you. Give us a call at 206.934.5339 or email us at
In order to get a certificate of completion, students must score 80% or better on their final exam.
Learn the basics of fundraising for nonprofit organizations, from annual and special fund drives to more advanced projects involving corporate and foundation relations, major gifts, and planned giving.
Join a registered dietitian and discover how easy it can be to prepare meals that are both delicious and nutritious!
Discover how to translate your love of animals into a fun and profitable career.
Learn to take beautiful pictures of adults, children, and babies.
Learn how to create and distribute an inspirational and professional autobiography for family, friends, and others.
With the Speed Spanish course, you will immediately start creating sentences and conversations in Spanish. Each lesson will introduce new techniques to increase your fluency quickly and allow you to start speaking Spanish right away.
Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.
Learn to use QuickBooks Online to record income and expenses; enter checks and credit card payments; track your payables, inventory, and receivables; and much more.
Learn to master American Sign Language through immersive, silent instructional videos that emphasize proper sign techniques and facial expressions for effective communication. You will become skillful at fingerspelling and an array of signs to engage in conversations confidently.
If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this series of courses is perfect for you. You will learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, while also learning how to analyze and record financial transactions, as well as prepare various financial reports at the end of the fiscal period.
(10 contact hours) Foundations 2 explores Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, spirituality, and meditation, blending ancient healing with modern practices.
(9.5 contact hours) Foundations 3 includes humor, music, sound, energy healing, and therapeutic massage, merging creative and energetic healing with conventional medicine.
(14.5 contact hours) Foundations 1 covers stress management, physical activity, nutrition, and healing environments, integrating traditional healing with modern healthcare.
Learn how to make a mask in Photoshop and use the selections features to enhance your creative works.
This course will provide you with a close look at the scientific investigation process as you work to plan for lab activities in your classroom. You will learn how to construct pre- and post-lab activities that align well with a lab experiment that follows the scientific method.