St. Louis Community College

Welcome to the St. Louis Community College Online Instruction Center

We offer a wide range of highly interactive non-credit, continuing education courses that you can take entirely over the Internet. All of our courses include expert instructors, many of whom are nationally known authors. Our online courses are affordable, fun, fast, convenient, and geared just for you. You can enroll and pay online. Ready to explore our catalog? Click the Courses link at the top of this page.

Non-credit courses are an excellent way of assuring professional development, acquiring new skills or maintaining professional certifications. Non-credit courses and credit courses with the same or similar titles may not cover the same content and, therefore, those non-credit courses may not be accepted towards a degree or certificate program. Decisions regarding the awarding of credit are made by individual institutions and, in some instances, by programs within an institution. Consult with the academic advisor at the receiving institution where you plan to attend to determine whether a non-credit course will count towards any degree or certificate you may intend to seek.

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